Tyana Excavations

Tyana (Kemerhisar) Excavations

In 2016, Aksaray University undertook the excavations of the ancient city of Tyana in Kemerhisar District of Niğde Province (Bor District) Excavations being run by Niğde Museum Directorate and Archeology Department Prof. Dr. Osman Doğanay. Excavation work (for planned 25 years) and the 2017 plan was established. Apart from Aksaray University, Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University, Karamanoğlu Mehmet Bey University, Pamukkale University, Selçuk University and Gazi University students and faculty members are also included in the excavation and restoration team. It is aimed to include Kemerhisar between the excavation and restoration works in Tyana and the tourism destinations of Cappadoccia Region and to gain the region and country economy, archeology science and tourism in the area of the remains.